This example shows how to use some of the animation options for text. These options make it easy to give text eye-catching animations that make signs more visually interesting. This is another reason why it’s better to use Lightwing’s integrated text features, rather than embed text into images or video.
The fade option defines the time spent animating text when it appears and disappears on the page. The default animation for text is to fade only, as shown in the previous example. This example, combines some other options with the fade option, including zoom, scroll, slide, spin, bounce and delay. These options can be used together in almost any combination by placing them on the same text commands. The timings of these options are always synchronized because they are all defined by the same fade option values.
The zoom option defines horizontal and vertical scaling factors used during the fade-in and fade-out times. The first two values apply to the fade-in and the second two values apply to the fade-out. All of these text options share the same parameter ordering and the fade-out values are optional.
The slide option defines horizontal and vertical sliding factors that control both slide distances and directions used during the fade-in and fade-out times.
The spin option defines spin angles in degrees that control both spin distances and directions used during the fade-in and fade-out times.
The bounce option defines bounce scaling factors for the x, y and z axis used immediately after the fade-in time. The duration time of the bounce is always the same as the fade-in time.
The delay option defines time delays between drawing each character glyph of the text used during the fade-in and fade-out times. Only small fractions of a second can be used and this option must be combined with at least one other animation option, in addition to the fade option, to have any visible effect. Also refer to the online Scripting Guide for more details about these commands.
// Scripting Tutorial - Text Animations version: 1.0 shadow: OpenSansBold_100 offset: 5 page: Mercury time: 1, 5 image: PlanetMercuryBackground.pvr text: OpenSansBold_100 time: 1, 4 fade: 1, 1 zoom: 0, 1, 0, 1 position: 50, 50 align: CenterCenter type: "Hello Mercury!" page: Venus time: 1, 5 image: PlanetVenusBackground.pvr text: OpenSansBold_100 time: 1, 4 fade: 1, 1 scroll: Left, Right position: 50, 50 align: CenterCenter type: "Hello Venus!" page: Earth time: 1, 5 image: PlanetEarthBackground.pvr text: OpenSansBold_100 time: 1, 4 fade: 1, 1 scroll: Bottom, Top position: 50, 50 align: CenterCenter type: "Hello Earth!" page: Mars time: 1, 5 image: PlanetMarsBackground.pvr text: OpenSansBold_100 time: 1, 4 fade: 1, 1 slide: 1, 0, 1, 0 position: 50, 50 align: CenterCenter type: "Hello Mars!" page: Jupiter time: 1, 5 image: PlanetJupiterBackground.pvr text: OpenSansBold_100 time: 1, 4 fade: 1, 1 slide: 1, 0, 1, 0 bounce: 3, 0, 0 position: 50, 50 align: CenterCenter type: "Hello Jupiter!" page: Saturn time: 1, 5 image: PlanetSaturnBackground.pvr text: OpenSansBold_100 time: 1, 4 fade: 1, 1 slide: 1, 0, 1, 0 delay: 0.05, 0.05 position: 50, 50 align: CenterCenter type: "Hello Saturn!" page: Uranus time: 1, 5 image: PlanetUranusBackground.pvr text: OpenSansBold_100 time: 1, 4 fade: 1, 1 spin: 360, -360 position: 50, 50 align: CenterCenter type: "Hello Uranus!" page: Neptune time: 1, 5 image: PlanetNeptuneBackground.pvr text: OpenSansBold_100 time: 1, 4 fade: 1, 1 spin: 360, -360 delay: 0.05, 0.05 position: 50, 50 align: CenterCenter type: "Hello Neptune!" page: Pluto time: 1, 5 image: PlanetPlutoCharonBackground.pvr text: OpenSansBold_100 time: 1, 4 fade: 1, 1 spin: 360, -360 bounce: 0, 0, 3 position: 50, 50 align: CenterCenter type: "Today is:" text: OpenSansBold_100 time: 1, 4 fade: 1, 1 spin: 360, -360 bounce: 0, 0, 3 position: 50, 70 align: CenterCenter type: DateLong jump: Mercury