
Embedded Linux Software Development

I have decades of experience developing low, middle and high-level code on the Linux, Windows and Android platforms, particularly in the areas of 2D/3D graphics, video and computer vision. Since 2008, I have focused on embedded Linux software development leveraging open-source and exploiting the power of the GPU, VPU and IPU accelerators on modern SoCs, including the NXP i.MX6 and i.MX8 series ARM processors. I’m enabling serious industry disruption with new multimedia UI and computer vision applications on embedded Linux by tapping these technologies for my clients world-wide.




Multimedia on Embedded Linux Development

Computer Vision with OpenCV and OpenGL ES Shaders

GPU and VPU Accelerated Multimedia APIs

2D/3D Graphics, OpenGL ES, ALSA Audio, Video, Touch GUIs and Security

GPU Accelerated (GLSL) Computer Vision Algorithms

Industry Leading NXP ARM i.MX6 and i.MX8 Platform Development

Intel, TI, Qualcomm Adreno and PowerVR

Open Source: Yocto, OpenGL, OpenSSH, OpenCV, ALSA, ffmpeg, gstreamer, V4L2, PNG, JPEG, XML, etc.

Extensive Portfolio of Proprietary and Industry-Leading Software IP


Recent Clients


Contact Me

I’m currently giving demonstrations of Lightwing’s computer vision, mixed-reality, digital signage and touch-kiosk capabilities to commercial equipment manufacturers that want to disrupt their industries.

If you need help with a project or would like a live demonstration of Lightwing, please use this form to send me a private message. I read and answer all inquiries.

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